Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Update #3
Monday, December 29, 2008
Mystery Fever Theater 3000 Update
She was quite sweet and pathetic tonight. Not that I enjoy her being sick, but she does like to cuddle. We actually read 8 chapters of The Little Mermaid. What a treat. Unfortunately, she was suffering from a 104 degree fever at the time. Don't worry. The Tylenol brought it down eventually.
Mystery Fever Theater 3000
As I mentioned in my Christmas post, Hailey has another mysterious fever situation. I call it mysterious because she has no other symptoms…just a fever. If you’ll recall, she had a similar incident over the summer where the fever lasted 9 days, and we had to take her to the emergency room. That was a truly awful experience that ended with no answers and with her being afraid of doctors. Not something I’d like to repeat. Anyway, I hate the mystery fevers because you have no other clues as to what might be wrong, which means that my imagination is free to just make things up without any constraint.
Now, you might ask, “why have you not taken her to the doctor yet?” It was a timing issue. The fever started late last Monday. Tuesday was far too soon to worry about it. Wednesday and Thursday no one was open because of the holiday. Friday morning we were prepared to take her, but the fever actually broke at about 4:00am. Unfortunately, it was back the next day, which was our travel day back from
Thursday, December 25, 2008
"Open This, Please"
What a fun day! Hailey woke up at 6:00am begging to go downstairs to see if Santa came. I was able to hold her off until about 6:45, but then we HAD to go see what Santa had brought. I had my camera all ready for a major gasp when she saw all of the gifts, but she wasn't too impressed at first. Then, we started opening and her story changed. She was into it. Every gift had to be opened and unboxed and explored. By far, her favorite phrase was "open this." She must have said that in a variety of ways, tones, and inflections every time a new gift was unwrapped.
After our nap (yes, Mommy needed one too!), we went over to our Uncle Frank and Aunt Michelle's house for more gift unwrapping and some family time. Hailey was so fortunate in all of the wonderful gifts that she received, and of course, all of the attention that she received. Unfortunately, she's had a terrible fever since Monday. So, the evening ended with her laying on the couch in a feverish stupor. Poor thing!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
First things first, when we come to Buffalo we have to have pizza from Niagara Falls. Why drive all the way to Niagara Falls? Because that is where La Hacienda is. How can the best pizza place in the universe have a Spanish name? Who knows! They also have Spanish decor. Our theory is that the owner was too lazy to change it when he bought the place. Which brings me to the owner - Aldo. Aldo looks exactly like you would think a native Italian pizza place owner would look, complete with tall white chef's hat. La Hacienda is a cash-only establishment and is closed if Aldo can't be there...'nough said. Anyway, I'm not going to ever do justice to the beauty that is La Hacienda pizza by just describing it. So, we took some pictures this time. Let me just say that eating this pizza is always one of the highlights of our trips to Buffalo. We crave it for weeks leading up to our trip and usually for several weeks after we get home. Oh the goodness!
I Feel So Dirty
I purchased my daughter the most ridiculous pair of princess sneakers that you've ever seen for Christmas. Not only do they have 3 princesses on them, but they also have glittery parts, silver shiny parts, and pink parts on them. Oh, and they light up! Ridiculous. She loves them, of course. And, yes, she did put them on herself in these pictures so they are on the wrong feet.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Varicose Veins, Heartburn, and Other Joys of Pregnancy
I know I should be writing about the joys of Christmas and the wonders of experiencing this magical holiday with a wide-eyed little girl, but frankly I’m a bit cranky today. Consider this my official “honeymoon is over” entry. Yes, this pregnancy is now at the stage where I’d like a divorce please. How many more weeks do I have???
I was diagnosed with my first varicose vein yesterday. It’s not in a place that’s highly visible, but is in a place where it’s constantly throbbing. Also, the heartburn has kicked in. Not the once in a while heartburn though…we’re talking after every meal type heartburn. I’ve purchased three bottles of Pepcid in the past 48 hours. Granted, I haven’t eaten all the Pepcids yet, I just needed one bottle for my desk, one for my purse, one for the bedroom, and one for the dining room. You never can be too careful.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lies and the Lying Parents Who Tell Them
"Santa doesn't bring presents to naughty girls."
"Santa will bring your presents to Buffalo this year."
I catch Luke saying these thing to Hailey from time to time. It bothers me a little even though I know that these are things that have been said to our children for decades. I guess I'm just not bought in to the whole Santa thing so I'm blaming him for these statements, even though I may have uttered them myself.
Come to think of it, I just hope that someday Hailey is smart enough to turn to us and say "then, why did Santa bring me presents last year when I bit my sister?" or "how does Santa cover the whole globe in one night, and why don't we use his transportation technology to get from place to place instead of airplanes which appear to be much less efficient?" That would just be perfect.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Quick Update
Just returned from our 28-week visit to the doctor and thought that maybe Baby Sophia deserved her own blog entry. From all accounts, she’s doing very well in there. Yesterday, she had the hiccups for the first time ever. Her heartbeat was as strong as ever at the doctor today, but she was breech. No need to worry though, plenty of time and room for her to turn herself around like a good little girl. My belly measurements are just fine, and I lost 2lbs since last time, which is not a big deal considering my ridiculous gain a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I have low iron, which is making me unbelievably tired. No problem…that is easily fixed with yet another vitamin!
Other than that, all is well. I have to start going to the doctor every 2 weeks now. They are beginning to talk about birth plans and preregistering at the hospital and birthing classes. Am I ready for this already? I’m just trying to make it through the holidays!!! Luckily, we don’t need much since we have all of our stuff from Hailey. We have a few major items that I’ll need to research endlessly and eventually purchase, but other than that there’s much less stress this time around (well, if you don’t count the stress from Hailey’s school transition…more on that later).
Oh yeah...Sophia Catherine...that's her name.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Separation Anxiety
I expected this difficulty during drop-off in the morning, but I didn’t expect the separation anxiety to carry over so strongly at home. For the past few nights, beginning when she was sick, she’s woken up multiple times during the night and cried for Mommy. For the first few nights, one of us would go in and comfort her, give her water, or whatever she wanted. Unfortunately, I have a really hard time going back to sleep after each outburst because I just can’t get comfortable. So, I was quickly becoming really sleep deprived. Last night we finally decided that we had to just let her cry it out. If we continued to go in there, then she would continue to cry out for us even though she didn’t really need anything. If I moved her into our bed, which was our first instinct, then where do we draw the line and when do we move her back to her bed? I guess I am trying to justify our actions because I feel like a bad Mommy, but I really believe that sticking as closely to her routine as possible is the best remedy over the long haul.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Talky, Talk, Talk
Hailey has been home sick for the past two days with her Daddy. His company has a “take as many days as you need but get your work done policy;” mine does not. So, he is the dedicated caregiver for now. I’m trying to save every possible day for my maternity leave.
Anyway, yesterday I was IMing Luke to ask him how Hailey was when she woke up. His response made me laugh outloud… “A little fever and nonstop talking.” Yeah. Nonstop talking is not so much a symptom of the cold as it is a symptom of having a little girl in the house. It really is nonstop. Sometimes she won’t stop to eat. It’s just constant chatter, questions, answers, gibberish, more questions, remarks about things that happened days ago, commentary on the state of the weather outside, reminders of the last boo boo she had, reminders of who caused said boo boo, demands to go potty, discussions of what happens on the potty, etc, etc. You get the picture. It just goes on and on.
It can be quite exhausting to deal with someone who lacks any internal dialogue because I always want her to know that we’re listening to her. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. It’s quite adorable, and I know that there will be a day when she decides not to talk to us anymore. I’m sure that will be worse. So for now, I’ll enjoy each little conversation that we have even if it’s the eighteenth time today that we’ve talked about the fact that it’s raining.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Thanksgiving Weekend Pictures
Friday, November 28, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. We enjoyed a delicious turkey, corn pudding, mashed potatoes, corn bread stuffing, etc, etc. It was quite a feast. I made the whole thing myself and learned some valuable lessons, like don't put too much heavy whipping cream in your mashed potatoes lest they try to become whipped cream and end up with a consistency resembling Elmer's Glue! Other than that, everything turned out very well including the turkey which was both moist and flavorful.
Hailey learned how to play her first board game, Candy Land, while wearing her Tinkerbell costume. I think she's got a way to go before she actually understands the rules. At this point, the gingerbread characters seem to move around the board with reckless abandon. It is good for practicing her colors though.
Today, we enjoyed a fun visit to the Georgia Aquarium. Now, I need a nap!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Impressive Gain
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Another School Dilemma
It seems like just yesterday that I was whining about changing Hailey's school and how difficult it was. Well, here we go again. Our current school gave us about a month and a half notice that they are moving to a location that is completely inconvenient to our house or our work. Luckily another parent and I sniffed it out about 4 weeks ago, which means that I was able to get a jump start in looking for a new location. That's pretty important here where wait lists can range from six months to over a year. I spent an entire week's worth of lunch hours wandering around the city looking at daycare centers that ranged from having bars on the walls to being entirely green. Today, I went to a Montessori School. I always thought that I wanted to sent Hailey to Montessori, but this particular school only runs from 9-12. So, we would have to change our entire lives to accommodate it.
Ultimately, it came down to 2 schools that were near our offices. One is 90% white, is more expensive than we're paying now, and has a 6 month waiting list. The other is 90% African American, has one space available now and is $160 less than we are paying now. The curriculums are very similar and incorporate a lot of Montessori type aspects to them. Both have similar class sizes, beautiful locations, great playgrounds, etc. They are fairly equivalent in all ways but racial composition. So, it's a no brainer. We took the cheaper one with space. I think it's just a shame that in a city as diverse as ours, we still have relatively segregated day cares.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Hungry Hungry Hippo
Does anyone else remember that game? You would drop marbles onto the board and then control a little hippo head to try to eat up all of the marbles. If you tipped the board at all towards your hippo, all of the marbles would go sliding right towards its head. Well, that’s kind of how I feel at every meal these days. It’s almost like the table is tipped to my side and all of the food is sliding off into my mouth.
For the first 3-4 months of pregnancy, I really ate almost exactly like I did before I was pregnant. Then, all of a sudden in the past 3 weeks my appetite has come alive. I will get to the point in a meal where I’ll look down at my plate and think, based on past experience, that I should stop, but in reality that’s when I’m about half way finished. I pack lunches that used to fill me up and find that an hour later I need a snack. It’s ridiculous. I’m like a walking eating machine. I’m so afraid to weigh myself at home that I just pretend we have no scales. I’m going to go to the doctor next week and find that I’ve gained 25 lbs in a month!
I guess I should have accompanied this blog with a picture of my ever-expanding belly. Maybe I'll post one later for your entertainment.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Voting Saga
First some background... Lines to vote early in ga have been running 4-6 hours. That's not the oversensationalized news reports. That's actual people we know who voted. So, in my boy-scout like way, I decided that we were going to be prepared this election day. Polls opened at 7am. I planned to get there, Hailey and Luke in tow, by 6am with all of the equipment necessary to stand outside for the long haul. So, we go running up to the polling station with a stroller, camping chairs, blankets, breakfast, a bag of stuff for hailey and of course our IDs at 6:15am. A line has already formed but no worries... We are prepared. They pass out numbers at about 6:20 and we are numbers 97 & 98. About ten minutes later, they take 100 of us down to the game room of the rec center where they turn on Ratatouille (the movie) for us to watch. Of course, this is a wonderful surprise, but now Luke and I are the only goofballs carrying all of the aforementioned crap all over the rec center. The whole thing was so funny and such a clear indictment of my Type A personality. We ended up voting at about 7:30am. No problems. I let Hailey push the button which is illegal, but it didn't actually work when she pushed it so I did it myself...legally. Anyway, that's our voting story. We had a good time at an election party last night, and feel refreshed at the outcome.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Sweet Taters
Halloween 2008
Hailey was Tinkerbell for Halloween. She could have been Belle or Ariel or Sleeping Beauty. It's really all the same fascination, but we went with Tinkerbell. The costume was a bit fluorescent, but she was adorable anyway, as you can see. I was dressed as a big oven and had my belly painted as a cinnamon bun, and Luke was a baker. It was pretty funny, and we received many compliments, but did not win the costume contest. Of course, we have zero pictures of that.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Yes, I think that we probably are in for a lot of drama. In fact, when I think about two girls growing up together through the life phases, I start to get a little panicky right about when they hit adolescence. That’s pretty much the point at which I’m sure that they are going to hate me, break my heart, and Luke is going to become the sole parental figure in their lives. I’ve wallowed in the inevitability of this vision of the future for about a week now. Today, I just decided enough is enough. I need to see this as a challenge, not a certainty. I remember a while back I had heard a story on NPR about The Mother-Daughter Project. It’s a group that helps mothers form strong bonds with their daughters even before adolescence so that they can maintain a strong relationship through the toughest years. I probably need to buy their new book. Anyway, I feel renewed hope that just because I was a horrible, moody, cranky, unpleasant teenager, doesn’t mean that my girls have to be.
Oh, did I just say “my girls?” I guess I better get used to that phrase!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Least Favorite Word
My least favorite word in the English language (if you can call it a word) is “huh.” It wasn’t always my least favorite word, but it has become such over the past week. Of course, this new status coincides with Hailey adopting it as her favorite word.
Now, before you start thinking that she has a hearing problem, let me assure you that she hears just fine when she wants to. For example, “Hailey, would you like a cookie?” “Yes, Mommy.” “Hailey, can you come over here and put on your shoes?” “Huh.” You see, she doesn’t have a hearing problem, she just has selective hearing.
I guess that she’s going to adopt favorite words that are worse than this in the future, but for now I’m just not going to play her little game. Even if she says it, I will not repeat myself even if I happen to be offering her something delicious. Ah, the beauty of trying to outsmart your kids.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
It's a Girl!!!!

I can already feel my panic setting in...two girls! Oh the hormones, the dating, the makeup, the clothes, the attitudes, the ensuing boys! Does someone have a paper bag I can breathe into??? Maybe a Tums or two or five??? Well, I guess there's always boarding school.
In truth, Luke and I are thrilled. I'm hoping for a redhead. He's hoping for blue eyes. So, basically, we're having a brown eyed, brown haired girl for sure. As long as she's healthy and at least as happy as Hailey, we'll be ok.
We have pictures and video from the ultrasound this morning, but I couldn't be organized enough to actually post those. So, here's a post-ultrasound picture for you.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pics from the Weekend

On our weekend hiking trip with the Scott's, Hailey experienced a number of firsts this weekend...
First Hike
First bite of marshmallows
First time in the North Carolina mountains.
Mommy also experienced a first...first time she thought she was going to have a heart attack while walking uphill!
Here are some pictures we took to commemorate the weekend. Click here to see more pictures from the weekend.
Log Your Vote
Monday, October 06, 2008
52 Questions
Alright, my friend Katie asked me to do this. I’m reluctantly obliging, but feel free to skip this one if you are not into the life and times of Alisa report. I think that I am supposed to ask three other bloggers to do this. It's probably part of some covert CIA operation to create an index of bloggers, Still, if you read this and you have your own blog, it’s your turn.
1. What time did you get up this morning?
2. Diamonds or pearls?
Don’t really care because I don’t wear much jewelry. I guess diamonds since I own no pearls.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Iron Man
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Probably Lost but my favorite TV time is football on Sundays when my husband, and I have cleverly figured out how to watch both of our favorite teams (
5. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Depends on how I’m feeling and how much time I have. During the week I’ve stepped it up to an egg and cheese English muffin because the plain English muffin with peanut butter wasn’t cutting it any more. Plus, I eat a second breakfast of a cereal bar and hot chocolate around 9:30am. What?!?!? I’m eating for two!
6. What is your middle name?
7. What food do you dislike?
beets, spicy stuff
8. What is your favorite CD at moment?
Who listens to CDs anymore? It’s NPR or Hailey’s Music Class songs (if she insists)
9. What kind of car do you drive?
Nissan Murano
10. Favorite
The sandwich from the movie Spanglish. Look it up if you don’t know what I’m talking about.
11. What characteristic do you despise?
Irrationality…is that a characteristic?
12. Favorite item of clothing?
Whatever non-maternity clothes I can still fit into.
13. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Anywhere in
14. Favorite brand of clothing?
Like I shop by brand! Whatever is on sale.
15. Where would you retire to?
Are you kidding? With the economy as it is, we will never afford to retire. We just wrote a check for $700 billion dollars!
16. What was your most recent memorable birthday?
Spending my 30th in
17. Favorite sport to watch?
Football…see previous answer
18. When is your birthday?
October 26, 1977
19. Are you a morning person or night?
Neither, but I am a witch in the morning.
20. What is your shoe size?
21. Pets?
Josie – Dog; Anubis – Cat
22. Any new and exciting news you would like to share with us???
I’m pretty sure that I’ve shared it all.
23. What did you want to be when you were little?
24. How are you today?
It’s Monday. I’m tired, but I feel good.
25. What is your favorite candy?
Reese’s Cups – chocolate and peanut butter, what could be better???
26. What is your favorite flower?
Right now it’s vincas because they are the only thing in my yard that survived the drought.
27. What is a day on your calendar you are looking forward to?
Oct 21st because we find out the sex of the baby. Oct 22nd I take a full day CPR class.
28. What is your full name?
Alisa Catherine Hamilton. I’m slowly getting over my bitterness of having to lose Palmisano. I recently asked Luke if we could name the baby Hamilton Palmisano if it was a boy. He wasn’t too keen on the idea.
29. What are you listening to right now?
The girl in the cube next to me typing.
30. What was the last thing you ate?
Chicken cheese steak with fries
31. Do you wish on stars?
32. If you were a crayon what color would you be?
33. How is the weather right now?
Sunny and warm. Hasn’t rained her in probably a month
34. The first person you spoke to on the phone today?
Husband because I left my lunch in the car this morning.
35. Favorite soft drink?
Coke in a bottle
36. Favorite Restaurant?
Sake Japanese restaurant in
37. Real Hair Color?
38. What was your favorite toy as a child?
39. Summer or winter?
Spring or Fall
40. Hugs or kisses?
41. Chocolate or vanilla?
42. Coffee or tea?
Tea – Decaff please; I’m growing a human here.
43. When was the last time you cried?
Probably the last time I saw something sad on TV (commercials count)
44. What is under your bed?
Wrapping paper, file folders, my fire proof safe, and a cat
45. What did you do last night?
Went to the zoo and out to dinner
46. What are you afraid of?
Snakes, spiders, cockroaches, crowds, and strangers
47. Salty or sweet?
Depends on the day, hour, minute that we’re talking about.
48. How many keys on your key ring?
One + 4 on the detachable part
49. How many years at your current job?
1.5 years
50. Favorite day of the week?
51. How many places have you lived in?
52. Do you make friends easy? No. Maybe. I don’t know, you tell me!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Funny Exchanges
Mommy: "You mean your bum hurts?"
Hailey: "My bum hurts."
Mommy: "Why does you bum hurt?"
Hailey: "My bum hurts, kiss it better."
Hailey: "Where's Mommy?"
Nana: "She's downstairs sweeping."
Hailey: "I go wake her up."
Thursday, October 02, 2008
NBH Update
Remember last pregnancy when I was detailing every single development - both mine and Hailey’s. This time around I actually have to calculate the week every time someone asks. It's 17, by the way. What I do know for sure is that we are now down to 19 days until we find out if it’s a boy or a girl!
We had a doctor’s appointment earlier this week. The heartbeat sounded good. I think that it still sounded way slower than Hailey’s, but it was at 150 beats per minute. If you go according to the old wives tale, 150 would mean that it’s a girl. Well, 19 days until we find out either way.
As for me, I’m feeling fine except for a few fall allergies. Of course, I hate taking medicine when I’m pregnant so I suffered with the runny nose, watery eyes, sinus pressure, and sneezing for about 2 weeks. When I finally went to the doctor, she told me that I could have been taking Claritin all along. Great…thanks!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Smell the Roses

Taking a walk with a 2-year-old can be a little like plucking each hair off of your arm as slowly and deliberately as possible but in no order whatsoever. As best I can gather, here are the top 10 requirements for any 2-year-old walking excursion:
- Do not walk in a straight line
- Do not walk at an even pace
- Do not walk at a pace resembling anything faster than a small turtle
- Do not pass by an interesting object without stopping to touch it
- Do not pass by a flower without stopping to smell it
- Do not pass by a grate without bending down to see where it leads
- Do not pass by a grate without dropping a stone down to confirm where it leads
- Do not pass by a strange dog without trying to pet it
- Do not pass by a bug without inspecting and then being deathly frightened by it
- Do not forget to say what color the sky is, what the weather is like, or what color you are wearing
- (10.5) Do not forget to repeat the same phrase from step 10 over and over for the duration of the walk.
Regardless of how excruciatingly slow the walking process can be, it can be really fun to see the world through Hailey’s eyes. I’m trying very hard to have less anxiety related to time, so walks with Hailey really test my ability to stop and smell the roses myself. It's a good exercise for all of us.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
LA Looks
Our little world traveler just returned from LA where she was spending time with friends and watching her cousins play in the AVP Manhattan Beach tournament. She spent about 3 days at the beach, but I believe that her favorite part of the trip was shopping. Shockingly, the thing that her mother hates to do the most brings Hailey endless joy. These pics are just a few of the things that she had to try on during our short shopping trip one day. She was in heaven. I guess we need to invest in some dress up clothes soon!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Balloon Saga
Two weekends ago Hailey received a red and a blue balloon at a birthday party that we attended. She loves balloons so she had a good time with them until they ran out of air. They proceeded to sit on the floor of my garage, half-deflated. On Tuesday (garbage day), I threw them into the big trash can without deflating them because, let’s face it, I’m lazy. As we are getting into the car to go to school, the trash man arrived and Hailey saw him take the balloons out of the trash can and put them in the truck. You would have thought that he had thrown her blankie in that truck. She was completely traumatized. For 20 minutes on the way into school, we had to listen to “Where my balloons go?” “Why balloons in truck?” “Why man take balloons?” “I want balloons.” Honestly, it was non-stop. There was no subject that could supersede the ever important balloon conversation. There was no song that could be sung to make the balloons go away. I was, at that moment, the worst Mommy in the world.
However, I would like to say that I redeemed myself in a big big way. That afternoon I stopped by this little shop in my building on my way out of work. They hang balloons outside of their door every day. I’ve often seen them deflating their balloons at the end of the day. I went in and asked the lady if I could have the balloons instead of her throwing them away. She was so happy to give them to me. But here’s the kicker…I had to carry those stupid balloons (a red and a blue one) 10 blocks downtown to get to Hailey’s school. What an idiot I must have looked like! Regardless, the balloons were safely delivered to our precious angel who talked about them the whole way home and then proceeded to forget about them after about 10 minutes in the house. Ah the joys of motherhood!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Green Beans and Broccoli
Like most parents, I think that I am the most fortunate Mommy in the world. Every day, I could think of a new reason why I’m the luckiest Mommy, but here’s my reason for today – my daughter eats green things. It’s true! The child loves green beans. She knows how to clean them and put them in the bowl. The other night we cleaned a huge batch of beans and cooked them up. She ate mostly beans for dinner. Poor Luke didn’t even get any! Same thing last night with broccoli. She would just keep eating vegetables if we didn’t insist that she eat other things. She’s some kind of bizzarro child.
Of course, I don’t take her vegetable-eating for granted (or even think that it will last forever). That’s why I’m writing to remember these fun times when we don’t have to fight at the dinner table because let’s face it, those days are probably not far off.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Tally from the Weekend
Saturday - 1 accident
Sunday - 2 accidents
When she has accidents, it's usually our fault for not stopping her activity and putting her on the potty. Potty training is 99% about training us right now!
Friday, September 05, 2008
It's a Big Day
Hailey is wearing big girl underwear today. She has had such outstanding potty reports from school the last 2 days that I decided to bite the bullet and make the change. Plus, it seemed like starting on a Friday would give us some good momentum to go into the weekend because she really is much better about going at school than at home. I guess it’s the positive effects of peer pressure. Anyway, I have the over/under on accidents at school today set at 3. I’m going to say under, but I think it could go either way.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Could it be?
When we first found out that we were pregnant, I felt immediately that it was a girl. I wouldn’t even consider the possibility that it was a boy even though Luke said that he believed it was. I was 100% girl all the way, and no, I couldn’t possibly believe my husband.
Then, I had the premonition (see August 8, 2008 entry). That was the first clue that I might have to consider the possibility that it could be a boy. Then, I started having night sickness instead of morning sickness as I had with Hailey. Could it be because there are different hormones from a boy? The final clue came on Tuesday when I went to the doctor. This was the first time that I was able to hear the heartbeat, and it was much slower than Hailey’s was. It was a very strong heartbeat, but not the speed racer heartbeat that I remember from Hailey.
So, I think I’m reversing my stance. I think that this baby is a boy. 7 weeks until we find out! Everyone should post your bets in the comments.