The birthday party was a wild success, and by wild, I mean picture 10 three-year-olds running around, screaming, and jumping on all sorts of inflatable moonwalk rides in a giant carpeted warehouse. It was that kind of wild.
The party began a little bit shaky because I had misinterpreted the usage of the “party room.” Not having thrown or attended a party at this facility before, I understood that the party room was just for the 30 minutes at the end of the party when we would be having cake and ice cream…WRONG! Silly Mommy! Adults and children have free access to said party room throughout the entire 2 hours we are there. So, not having snacks in there would have been a fatal mistake, since hungry three-year-olds are akin to rabid hyenas. No problem…Mommy made a quick run to the grocery. By 15 minutes into the party, we were equipped with veggie and fruit trays galore.
By the time I returned from the grocery store, another crisis had broken out. Someone had a little peepee accident on one of the inflatables. Oh boy. This was a bit of a problem because said child’s Mommy was not prepared with an extra set of underwear, and said child refused to wear Pull-Ups. Now, the not wanting to wear Pull-Ups thing is understandable, but the not having extra undies packed is inexcusable. What a horrible mother.
Now comes the best part of the story…said Mother’s dear friend (who I won’t mention by name) kindly offered to run to the store to purchase additional undies. Unfortunately, the only types of stores in the vicinity were grocery or drug stores. Thus, she returned with giant, adult-sized Grandma-style undies (no offense to Grandmas) AND a role of masking tape. Do you see where this is going now? Several minutes later, said child was the proud owner of what we lovingly dubbed toga undies. Picture tiny child, picture giant undies, now picture how much tape would be required to get giant undies to stay up on tiny child. We’re talking serious McGiver action here. The whole thing would have been side-splittingly hysterical if it weren’t for said child’s adorably sad face. Ugh…those puppy dog eyes get me every time!
In the end, the sun and another friend saved the day by drying out the undies that her Mommy had washed out in the sink. There was much playing and fun left to be had. The store-bought cake was a wild success. We retained 5 of the 6 princesses (the other one mysteriously disappeared!) A good time was had by all and by 3pm it was all over. She certainly had a wonderful time.
More pics on the Flickr site.
1 comment:
Looks like fun. Which I was there. Are those slides just for kids, or can adults use them too?
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