Lordy, Lordy look who's well, look who's getting bigger! The girls are all over the place these days. Aside from having her constant make-believe conversations, Hailey is also learning to write her name and to read. Here's a picture of her writing. She's great with H, A, L, and I. The squiggly letters are a little tricky, but we're working on M and D too. We've also started to read Sophia Goodnight Moon together every night. In just two nights, Hailey recognizes the word goodnight and can "read" some of the other words from memory. It's amazing how fast she picks it up.
Sophia, on the other hand, is literally all over the place. Her favorite place to be is on the floor so that she can "pre-crawl" around. This basically means that if I put her down in the middle of the carpet, then run into the kitchen to get something, I'll come back and wonder where did she go? Oh, she's just rolled herself under some unsuspecting piece of furniture. There's never a moment of being still with her. She's always reaching for something, grabbing her sister's hair, or sticking various objects in her mouth. Quite the wiggle worm.
As far as sibling interaction goes, it couldn't be better. Hailey loves to spend time with Sophia and will sit and make faces at her for 2 whole minutes, which is an eternity in 3-year-old time. We did, however, have our first sibling induced injury the other day. Hailey accidentally closed Sophia's finger in a drawer. There were tears but only minor suffering. It won't be the last time that they injure each other.
It must be just wonderful around the house these days. I can just imagine the constant interplay between the two of them or the three (or four) of you. Almost every minute you're experiencing another surprise, another laugh, another moment of wonder. I've told you before, but I'll say it again: enjoy every one of these and lock them away in your head and heart (although the blog helps keep them alive) because these times, good and bad, are fleeting. Before you know it, your whole family is out of town!! (Did I go off on a tangent there?)
Dad/Grandpa Pete
Ahhh...your Dad brought a tear to my eye, but he's so right. No matter how frustrating it may be at times to keep up with those two munchkins cherish it all.
Tell Hailey that Auntie Ann is much easier to spell! lol
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