Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hunger Strike Ends

Well, Sophia is a stubborn little bugger sometimes. So stubborn that she did indeed refuse to eat all day yesterday. Of course, I rushed out of work immediately after updating you, my fine blog readers, on her hunger strike. I expected to find her screaming and causing a major scene at school. I burst into the room to save my poor starving baby only to find her passed out on one of the teachers. What?!?!? Where's the mass hysteria? Well, there was none. There wasn't even any urgency to her wanting to eat. I think that she was having a tummy ache and just didn't feel like eating. So, what did I do? Tried to feed her rice cereal. More on that later.

Back to the hunger strike. Yeah, it's over. She drank from her bottles at school today. Crisis averted.

1 comment:

ann said...

A stubborn child! Who does she remind me of??? Any guessing my dear?