Luke has finally agreed to rearrange our living room. This wouldn't really be that noteworthy except that the new arrangement involves the unthinkable - mounting the tv above the fireplace mantle. Shocking, right? It's not optimal viewing, you know.
So, we are now about 10 minutes into the process, and he's already determined that we absolutely HAVE TO buy a new speaker system. Well, our speakers are floor speakers, and we need ones to go on the shelves now. Oh, and a new center channel because ours is too tall. That will never do. Why don't we just listen to the sound that comes out of the tv?, I suggest. All I got was a laugh in response. Oh the trials and tribulations of living with a geek! Or is it dork? Nerd maybe?
um, nobody called to have me map this out on graph paper! also, i still have our "wall mount" that we bought TWO AND A HALF years ago (we decided to put it on a piece of furniture, due to a disagreement about how the wires would/would not appear outside the wall)... i keep intending to sell it on craiglist for some other unfortunate soul who attempts to undertake a job like this... too bad we're not closer to you! happy project... this sounds like a "saturday morning" project that is going to stretch till sunday at 11pm.
I don't know...he sounds perfectly normal to me. Of COURSE you need new speakers! Whatever were you thinking? (You see, you're reading the words of a guy who had to buy "Snow Leopard" for Mac the minute it came out, so it could be installed EXACTLY on its release date of...um...yesterday. I think your husband is rubbing off on me, and I am reverting to my old buy-it-right-away self. Gotta control myself.)
Dad/Grandpa Pete
That my dear has been my life for 29 years.
Diane Barlow
Nikki !! we need another wall mount for the TV in the bedroom ... so, you've found your poor unfortunate soul with little to no effort!
I'm with you, Alisa. I hate surround-sound. I want the voices coming from the TV set where they belong AND I hate looking out the window twenty times while watching a show, mistakenly thinking something is going on in the front yard! If I weren't married, I'm not sure I'd even own a TV and, if I did, the volume would only go up to 5 out of 10.
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