Well, I have to say that the cake was quite delicious except for the store bought fondant. If only our caped cake crusader would have made his own fondant (as he originally planned), I might not have had to peel it off. However, the story doesn't end with the cake from the previous blog. Nope, the stubborn mother-in-law still insisted on making her own cake, and now her own fondant, from scratch. So, while Luke and I toiled away at our respective offices on Thursday, Grandma set about to make her own marshmallow fondant. When we got home from work, this is what we found. It's a white cake with strawberry filling, oh and some of the pieces of red velvet cake that we had shaved off stuck in for good measure. It was pretty funny to have all of these cakes floating around, but the child is 3 so I suppose 3 cakes is appropriate?
In the end, we ate Daddy's cake at home on Thursday. Grandma's cake at a friend's house on Friday, and of course, the Publix Princess cake on Saturday. All in all there was much cake to be had by all, and we are all heavier for it.
Wow... what a great story to follow on your blog! It ended as you expected... I'm sure. It was the attempt that counts. That's where all the love was. But that Pricess cake from Publix was sure impressive... wow... and Hailey gets to keep all the little Pricess dolls :-)
I am also a great fan of the Food Network... love the Cake Challenges and Ace of Cakes. Best I can do is the big chocolate chip cookie cakes which my girls always requested when they were a little older. They preferred chocolate chip cookie. It's alot easier and all you have to do is master (I use this term lightly) the icing decorations.
OK, not to look ahead too far but, what about NEXT year? And the year after that, and the year after THAT? And what about that other precious darling who is going to see all of this commotion for her older sister and expect to get equal, if not better, treatment?? I don't know how you ever keep up with it. Maybe I'm just getting old (maybe?) and just reading about all of it exhausts me. I remember when my daughter was little, and the whole world (or so it seemed) moved to try to please her (except for the "powdered milk" episodes). In those days, I too would have done ANYthing (except get a dog), so who am I to judge?
P.S. Congratulations, Grandma Cathy, on entering (and completing) the competition!
Dad/Grandpa Pete
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