Wednesday, July 12, 2006

All Systems Are Go!

Just finished with my midwife appointment. Here's the news: Hailey has indeed dropped, my cervix is very soft and thin, and we are 1 cm dilated. It feels weird talking about my cervix on the blog, but isn't that the important stuff? So, I think that we are ready to go. No contractions yet, but the midwife felt very good about my progress and thought that it wouldn't be too long now.


Anonymous said...

ready? i'm not ready!!!! oh, wait - i guess i don't need to be ready... good luck! can't wait to see her cute pics, instead of black and white shadows!

Anonymous said...

Alisa, I am so excited for you and Luke. This is the point at which I began soaking nightly in a warm bath and taking really long walks trying to get things going. It didn't work for me. My labor was induced, but that wasn't so bad either. They decided to induce 2 days after my due date b/c I had been dilated for a month, and she had dropped weeks b/f. I know you and Luke are ready, and I'm praying for you.

ann said...

Oh Boy!!!! I mean girl!!! This is soooo exciting! I remember the day you were born! You took forever to arrive. I agree with your friend Melissa. Do some walking. Also, and I know this sounds gross, but when you shower rub your nipples with a wash cloth. 1) It helps with breastfeeding 2) Releases some hormorne that brings on contractions (I am totally serious on this one!) You are in my thoughts and prayers, Sweetie! Now that your mom is there, take it easy and let her do some work for a change. Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm excited just like everyone else! Pretty soon you will be holding an awesome gift from God! What a blessing!!!

Anonymous said...
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