Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A Mother's Love

When I was an evil teenager, I used to "hate" my mother. Not really hate her because you always love your mother, but in the teen angst years it's sometimes hard to remember that. So, let's just say that she was not among my favorite people in the world. It wasn't anything she did or said. It was more like everything she did and said. It just was the way it was. Probably lots of people can relate to that angry, depressed, angst-ridden type of disgust. I certainly know quite a few people that went through that in their teenage years and some who are going through it right now (but I won't name any names).

Well, I'm here to finally say to my Mom, "I get it." I understand. I appreciate you in a way that I never have before. In a way that I never could before I had my own. It is totally true - there is no love like a mother's love. There's no one that will feel your pain like a mother will, no one that will share your joy the same way, no one that will give up more for you, and subsequently, no one that you can hurt more.

So, if it's any consolation to mothers of all the attitudinally challenged teenagers out there, I'm here to tell you that there is hope. Because one day they'll understand too
(if you're lucky and if not, well there's nothing you can do since these feelings don't come with an off switch).

By the way, as I write this heartfelt thought, Hailey is sitting on my lap making really loud poops and spitting up all over how can that be so adorable!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Alisa... you made my morning!!! Teenage attitudes are very hard to deal with. Sometimes the tongue cuts deeper than they think. Perhaps I need thicker skin to deal with it...
It's nice to know that the whole cycle of life comes around... and maturity opens your eyes to answers. I know you'll be a great mother... and Hailey will turn out great just like you. But for now, enjoy these blessed infant years because a teenager is around the corner!
OK... I can go back to crying!
Much Hugs and Love,
Aunt Nancy

Anonymous said...

So now you know...enjoy this time and treasure every moment. Soon Hailey will be a teenager and you'll wonder how she became possesed by some alien being but your love will never waiver and you'll always be there for her. Even though you'll feel like she's miles away when she's standing in the same room. You'll wonder what went wrong? How can this be? But you will persevere with an unbearable ache in your heart but somehow you'll know that this to will pass.Then if your lucky you'll witness the miracle of your daughter giving birth to her daughter and you'll see the love and tenderness as she holds her beautiful girl and that's when you'll know you did OK. All the tough times were worth it. I love you.


ann said...

Thanks for giving me a light at the end of this tunnel. I was beginning to think aliens had invaded my daughter's body. Wasn't it yesterday that this little girl was attached to my leg? I've found myself apologizing to my mother over the years for wrongs committed during that evil time known as "the teenage years." Just remember to enjoy every moment with that beautiful baby. It goes by so fast so make each moment count! First you can't wait for them to talk. Then they don't stop talking back. It's good to know the great circle of life will continue to spin! Love & kisses!!

Anonymous said...

When your dad emailed me to make sure I read your latest blog, I didn't know that there was a "mascara alert" attached to it! You hit the nail on the head. Only when a daughter becomes a mom can she understand the depth of love and pain that can be experienced through motherhood. Now, I've got to dry myself off and pick up my two beautiful blessings from school! Aunt Melanie