Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Sweet Taters

Look it's a sweet potato goatee. Sorry that the picture isn't color corrected. Mommy's not as good as Daddy when it comes to this photo stuff. Still, I wanted to share the fact that she ate a whole entire jar of sweet potatoes tonight. They're definitely her favorites so far. Then again, we've only had bananas, rice cereal, squash and sweet potatoes. Tomorrow night we'll try carrots. I'll let you know if she starts turning orange. You laugh, but some babies actually do turn orange when they go through the orange food phase!
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Anonymous said...

Emmaline had "squash nose" when she was going through the orange food phase. Squash was her absolute favorite.

Anonymous said...

my mom called the doctor in a panic cause i was turning orange - he told her to stop feeding me orange foods!

Unknown said...

Hi Alisa!
I babysit for a 8 month old. Today I fed him Sweet Potatoes and thought of you. It's great to see pics and get updates. She is a little beauty!
Love you,

ann said...

She's not the only thing that may turn orange...once. Melissa ate a ton of blueberries and well, that made for interesting diaper changes. Also you need to keep in mind that if one food constipates her, you need to counter act that with one that losens her...all part of the great mystery of life. She's a cutie whatever color she is!