Friday, May 04, 2007

"Mommy, why are you a b*#&^?"

I am having some type of emotional breakdown. I guess that it's a combination of the stress of the new move and the weaning. I've pretty much stopped breastfeeding. I had cut back, but now I don't think that I make enough to satisfy her even when I do feed her. So, I think that she's pretty much done with me. I thought that the weaning process would be easy. Kind of like just tapering out, but I am a complete witch. I'm having crazy mood swings. If this is what menopause is like, then count me out!


Anonymous said...

I remember reaching that point and feeling like I was turning into someone else (someone who wasn't a very loving wife or mother). It is partly physical, and stress may play a role, but I think its emotional more than anything else. My best advice is to respect what you are feeling. You are transitioning into a different kind of mother right now. For the first time since you learned you were pregnant, she is physically independant of you. And that's a hard pill to swallow. Its the first step of so very many that we will take in letting them go. (yes I do realize that she just started to crawl...and mine is still in diapers, but you get what I'm saying)


ann said...

Your hormones are all out of wack. Your body is just trying to catch up. Yes, it is like menopause, but I'm sure all the stress has something to do with it too.

Just think, when you start going through menopause, she probably be asking you why you're such a ..... again!

peter said...

What I can't believe is that you have been as calm as you have been through this whole whirlwind move! I mean, think about it: it's been only a couple of months and you have quit a job, found a job (while continuing work on the old job), started the new job, packed a house, sold that house, travelled back and forth to Atlanta three times, lived in an apartment (on the fourth floor, no less), found a house, bought that house, found a daycare, moved in to a new house, unpacked, and played bocce...all while giving that beautiful baby all of the love and time she could possibly need. You deserve to be a bit ornery after all of that. Time to relax a little and give yourself a break! Normalcy (or some form of it) is right around the corner.


PS. And it was obvious to me that Hailey is not "letting go" at all! She loves/needs/wants her mommy.