Friday, December 21, 2007

My House Defies Newton

The first of Newton’s breakthrough laws of motion is “an object at rest tends to stay at rest; an object in motion tends to stay in motion.” It’s hard to imagine a time when that was breakthrough and even harder to imagine that I remembered that without looking on the internet (but I did for the most part, thank you 12th grade physics).

Unfortunately, my house defies this law every single day. No, we don’t live in zero gravity; we live in zero sanity. I have tried to create a house where everything has a place, but on any given day objects move about seemingly on their own. I can’t imagine anything that could cause such chaos other than maybe a toddler. What else could create a scenario in which everything is tucked snuggly in drawers and cabinets one night and then within 24 hours, there’s a comb in the kitchen, a spoon in the bedroom, and a sock in the office. Well, that last one might be Luke, but still, those items do not belong in those places. I didn’t put them there. No rational person would leave their comb in the middle of the kitchen floor or move a baby potty to the center of the hallway where people need to walk. And yet, every day I fight the same battle with objects that seem to have been put in motion by some unseen force. At least I’ve learned to hide the objects that I need to find in a pinch, like keys, credit cards, makeup, and toothbrushes. I guess for the time being, everything else will be subject to unforeseen and unexpected motion.


ann said...

Well, you need to look at the bright side. If Hailey's willing to move things, maybe you can have her move things for you. For example, take this duster and move it on the furniture. Take this broom and move it around the floor.Take your plate and move it to the dishwasher. Take Daddy's sock and move it into the hamper...

Use the baby locks for things you don't want her to get into.

Learn from my mistake: start young!

Anonymous said...

My house has been affected by the same phenomena! The first place I look when I can't find the tv remote is Corbin's play microwave in the kitchen.

Anonymous said...

Great post.

But here's the problem: Newton's laws were superceded by Einstein's Special Theory of Reletivity in 1905, and further complicated/scrambled shortly thereafter by the discovery of quantum physics.

What does this mean for your domestic phenomena? Simply this: the world is not as we perceive it! In actuality, there are only "possibilities" (wave funtions) until there is an observer (you). When an observer enters the picture, it causes a wave function collapse, resulting in your "perceived reality"! Pretty cool, huh?

So my advice is don't look!

Not much help I admit, but according to the experts, this is the way "Reality" really works. (?!)

Life can be spooky, no?

peter said...

Actually, I have discovered that this is one of the many advantages of living alone (I mean, until you absolutely have to have someone know, to empty the drool cup). I can't tell you the considerable joy of knowing exactly where the "good scissors" is! Of course, I'd trade it all for a little chaos caused by a daughter and granddaughter under my roof.

Anonymous said...

Grandma can only say this phenomena ocurrs only between the ages of about 17 months to the age of 10-13. Then items then move to a centralized location known as your daughter's bedroom. At that point Do Not Enter everything she owns will be in an unknown place as you wade through the clothes on the floor you'll ask yourself did I just wash these or shall I wash them again. In your day little lady clothes wore out from continued washing when they were clean. I can only wish you better luck in the future and tell you to practice up on your memory skills so when you here the famous words Mom where is'll remember where you saw it last. Until then check th oven for toys before you turn it on Hailey might be baking something.

Love Mom

nro said...

omg. this had me CRACKING UP! how did you ever manage to live with me? hahaha. well, opposites attract, i guess!

your incredibly messy college roomie :)

ps - remember when you made a duct tape line in our room to keep my stuff out of your area - maybe you could try that with hailey? she is a smart one - maybe she'll get it!