Monday, March 20, 2006

New Picture

Here is a picture of the pregnant belly at 22 weeks. As you might expect, Luke deserves the credit for artfully taking and editing this picture. I look like I'm leaning back to emphasize the belly, but I was just trying to stand up straight. I think that says something about either my terrible posture or the size of my comments from the peanut gallery, please.


Grampa G said...


Anonymous said...

You are a beautiful Mom and I know you're creating a beautiful baby in there. Keep up the good work. Harry and I are getting plenty of practice we'll be professional baby watchers by July.

Love Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey... it looks like one of those trick mirror pictures!
You look adorable!

Anonymous said...

Great photo Luke!

Nothing more beautiful in my view than a mother with child...

Uncle Charlie