Friday, June 02, 2006

Hailey Weight Update

I just got back from seeing the midwife, and she says that Hailey is a little small weight-wise (in the 45th percentile). Plus, I'm measuring a little small on the outside. If my belly doesn't grow enough in the next 3 weeks, we have to do another ultrasound to make sure there are no growth problems. I hate when they say crap like that. Now I have to spend the next 3 weeks wondering if she's growing in there or not!!! I'm fine if she doesn't weigh that much (I was only 6lbs 11oz), but why worry me with thoughts of “growth problems” (which, by the way, is too vague a term to even Google).

Ok. In the midwife’s defense, she did say that it’s probably nothing to worry about because Hailey may just be a small baby. But still, she clearly does not understand the epidemic of worrying that runs in my family. I’m probably setting off a worrying chain reaction of seismic proportions just by writing this. So, let’s all calm down because there is nothing that we can do about it but wait until our next appointment on the 21st. Well, nothing except try to eat healthy and measure my own belly every night like some crazy psycho.


ann said...

Ok - Let's all calm down. I'm sure there's nothing at all to worry about. Remember, you started with a very small belly to begin with. Apparently you do not suffer from the "Zagara curse" and that's a good thing! You are healthy and happy and Hailey is fine. So put away your tape measure and put down the pile of reference books you have beside you and enjoy. I think a hot fudge sundae is in order! Get Luke on that one. Love Auntie Ann

Anonymous said...

Alisa... don't worry... don't even go there... I was only 5lbs. something ounces when I was born and I was fine. Thin... but fine. Hailey is still growing and there's still a month to go, right? That last month is where I put on the weight!