Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Fever of Unknown Origin

In a few hours, Hailey will officially have had a fever for 7 days. The number of days, apparently, is important in the medical world because nobody worries when it's 5 days or less. Well, we're on 7 days, and some of us are starting to worry. The fever started last Saturday night, but we really started monitoring it on Sunday. She's been to the doctor and does not have an ear infection or a UTI. She has virtually no symptoms other than the fever, which also causes lethargy, lack of appetite, thirst for milk and milk only, and apparently, waking up at 3am. The doctor has told us not to worry; that she's not at risk for anything without having other symptoms. She thinks that it's just an infection that will clear itself up. I really have no idea what to think. I feel terrible for my suffering child. I'm glad that our doctor is not overreacting and ordering a bunch of unnecessary or painful tests. Still, every day that goes by, that sense of fear in the depths of my stomach grows stronger and my patience grows thinner. I can only hope that she wakes up tomorrow miraculously cured.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For better or worse, worrying seems to be a pretty natural part of mothering, but it sounds like you are holding onto your perspective which is always good. So how is she doing today? So how is she doing today?