Monday, June 02, 2008


When your child gets a cold or even the flu, you don't really wonder if they'll be the same after their illness as they were before. When your child has a fever and is sick for 8 days, you wonder how different they'll be when they are finally well again. I find myself wondering that now that I feel Hailey is finally getting better. Don't get excited; she still has a fever! However, she has eaten more today than on any other day, and she has a bit more energy. However, she doesn't talk nearly as much as she used to, she doesn't sing, she hates medicine and doctors (shocker!), she clings to Mommy as if Mommy is going to disappear forever, she wakes up 10 times in the middle of the night, and she just seems more insecure and whiny. I'm sure that this is all just the fever, but it made me pause today to wonder if she will be the same toddler that I remember when she finally does get better. I just don't know how parents handle having a truly sick child. I have always counted our good health as one of our many blessings and will continue to do so knowing that when this fever finally subsides, I will still have my beautiful child to hug no matter how different she is.

PS: It is with great reservations that I will be going back to work tomorrow and leaving Hailey in the loving and capable hands of her Nana. I am not worried in any way about her being home without me; I am more worried about me being without her. Wish us both much luck!

1 comment:

peter said...

I know you probably have been told this, but children are incredibly resilient. And she was on such a great routine prior to this little road bump that I'm sure she'll slide right back into it. As for her personality...that, too, is so strong and distinctive that she will bounce right back into that too. I'm sure that all of your previous "parenting" will be rewarded as she quickly forgets about the nightmare of the past week and becomes, once again, the sweetest little girl in the world.
