Monday, September 10, 2007

A Second Cranky Thought

What I love more than anything is when I call to get “technical support” for an online application and find myself talking to someone my Grandmother’s age. Nothing against my Grandmother who is the sweetest lady that you’ll ever meet, but I don’t call her when I have a computer problem. Talking to this woman on the phone right now is probably worse than talking to someone who doesn’t speak English because she says things like, “Now, can you just erase all of the numbers out of the fields and type them in again?” Seriously, you want me to erase the 2 dates that I typed in and retype them even though they are completely correct because you think that somehow the computer is going to recognize them the second time around???? Then she says, “Maybe you could write the numbers down so that I can close out of it.” Lady, I don’t need to write the numbers down! We were talking about 2 completely fictional dates for my retirement. I could pick any random date and get the same error code. It’s pretty ridiculous. If you are a "technical support" manager, and you hire people who are running Apple IIc's and playing with Intelevision at home, you've got problems.


Nancy said...

Oh Alisa!! You're actually hilarious when you're cranky! I loved everything you wrote and expressed. Who cares about being an "expert" ~ they're usually BORING and have no real life experiences to draw from! So there! I think you're an expert writer with or without a "title"! To say nothing of being an expert mother for Hailey. And she's worth EVERY bit of your time and love and teaching. So keep on writing your expert comments cause we really enjoy them and you really made me laugh today :)
Love you, Nancy

peter said...

I always rationalize that the person on the other end of the line usually has to put up with someone who has almost no computer expertise at the other end. So, before he/she tells me "now...did you try rebooting the computer?" or "did you double click on the icon?" I start from my end by saying "Lookit...I was the first person to have a computer at home and work, 20 years ago, when you were still in grade school, so don't treat me like a newcomer, pal!" Inevitably, he/she will then apologize...right before asking me if I understand what a hard drive is! Grrrrrr...I HATE calling tech support!


Luke said...

What's even worse is having to BE tech support for family members that have no bizness being on a computer! (hehe)

Pete, love the use of the word "Lookit" ... classic.


Anonymous said...

Lookit...I was in tech support when you were still in diapers, and I dealt with your sorry a** knowing full well you weren't capable of doing a damn thing besides soiling your watch the wisecracks, junior!


ann said...

Well, I can't comment on this one much except to say:

1) I have finally finished paying off my company's start-up debt, including a $7,000 computer server and system.

2) I have just learned that I got completely ripped off by the computer "expert" I hired, didn't get what I paid for, and now have to back into debt to have this system fixed.

So, don't get me started on "computer experts!"

On a personal note, I can tell you're not pregnant, because you've definitely got PMS!

Do you really read all these comments and advise, because if so, I hope you learn something!

Love you!

Also, I talked to Hailey while your mom was visiting, and she really interacted with me. She gave me kisses and tried to say "Auntie Ann"! Now I just need to add " my favorite aunt," to the end of that sentence.

nro said...

loved the article... i am still laughing! also... loved loved loved the comments! hee.
- nikki :)

Alisa Hamilton said...

I do read all of the comments and advice. I also read your blogs when my lovely readers create their own blogs!

Anonymous said...

I hate computers!

ann said...

Well - I tried to create a blog, but I'm like one of those techno- phobs who does get it!

Wouldn't it be nice if my lovely, talented niece would teach me!