Thursday, October 11, 2007

Linguistically Challenged

I think that this has been a difficult few months for Hailey. She's getting teeth constantly, she's had a cold, oh and she can't speak! I'm starting to think that the latter is the most difficult for her to handle. I can't imagine what it would be like to know what I wanted but to not be able to tell anyone. I guess that I'll understand that feeling a little better when I try to communicate in Italy using only my 3 Italian phrases.

Anyway, you can almost sense that she wants so desperately to tell me what she wants but can't find the words. I'm not sure what tipped me off to her frustration, maybe its the constant whining and pointing. When we help her by giving her words to repeat, she gets so excited. She loves saying the right thing and being understood. She just rarely knows what the right thing is.


ann said...

Hence your job as parents. Just remember you can't just give her what she's pointing to, you have to tell her what she's pointing to. My guess is once she starts talking, you'll wish she would be quiet once in awhile.

It's amazing to watch them learn, isn't it? Wish I could be there to watch it first hand!

peter said...

Having spent 3 months trying to learn Italian, and still feeling the need to point and grunt, I can empathize with my granddaughter. I have a feeling, however, that she will learn faster than I. Oh, well...getting old is tough on all of us.
