Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Christmas Miracle

Craig’s List is just the greatest creation on Earth! I’ve been quietly searching around for a pre-lit artificial tree for this Christmas season, since real trees can be over $100. Little did I know that fake trees are a minimum of $250, and a good one can be upwards of $600. Who has that kind of money around the holidays? Certainly not someone who just came back from Italy! So, off to Craig’s List I went looking for a tree. I ended up finding a listing for a couple who was moving. They had many items for sale including a 9.5 foot pre-lit Christmas tree. It’s very “real” looking and fits our room perfectly. Total cost = $75. Now that’s what I call a Christmas miracle.

PS: I'm creating an Amazon wishlist for Hailey to make everyone's life easier, but it's not ready yet. I'll let you know.


peter said...

If you want to see a Christmas miracle...look in the highchair. That's what I do...but first, I look at this blog, and the woman who writes it.


Anonymous said...

My goodness you are on the ball! I can't believe you already have it up in the middle of the work week...and with a toddler no less.

ann said...

Your Dad always beats me to the punch and steals my lines! Apparently he has way too much time on his hands. Maybe you should suggest some type of hobby for him, like knitting!

Anyway, all I can say is ditto! Remember: the miracle of Christmas comes not from a "thing", it comes from you!

ann said...

Your Dad always beats me to the punch and steals my lines! Apparently he has way too much time on his hands. Maybe you should suggest some type of hobby for him, like knitting!

Anyway, all I can say is ditto! Remember: the miracle of Christmas comes not from a "thing", it comes from you!

Anonymous said...

Well the tree is beautiful thank goodness all that shopping for bargains in your youth has paid off. Beautiful and economic that's my girl. As your Dad said the miracle is you and Luke and Hailey and of course Josie and the home and family you've created.

Love Mom