Thursday, November 15, 2007

Have a Very Scary Christmas

If you have 3-4 free hours on your hands, I have a challenge for you. Go to your local toy retailer (I wouldn't recommend Walmart for this one), take a stroll through the toy aisles, and find 10 toys that aren't made in China. I tried it tonight at Target. I was purchasing some toys for the child that we are sponsoring and thought that I might pick Hailey up some PlayDoh as a stocking stuffer. Grabbed the generic brand...Made in China. Found the real PlayDoh, Made in China. Found the toys for our sponsored child...Made in China. Started randomly picking up toys on all of the aisles and every single one was Made in China. People must have thought that I was crazy, but I was shocked!

Lucky for us, Hailey hasn't had any of the toys that have been recalled, but I still thought that it would be nice if we could limit our exposure to toys made in China just to be safe. HA! Hailey would never have another toy in her life if that were our plan.

At first I thought, maybe the recalls are reassuring because when you see the amount of toys that are out there from China, then you realize that relatively few have been recalled. If only we could assume that our efficient government was actually doing a good job of testing them.

So, in light of all this, I have a business proposal for you. Let's start a toy company where we make the toys from green materials, AND we make them in the good ole USA. Brilliant!!!


Anonymous said...

In the mean time I was raised by a granola mommy and I have a recipe for home made play dough if you need it. (not to mention home made apple sauce, fruit roll ups and detergent for cloth diapers)Oh and just for the record...I am equally freaked out about the toy recalls and not too thrilled with the amount of money being spent by my government to protect my child from acts of terror vs. the amount of money being spent to protect him from the toys that every television commercial and magazine ad in this grand capitalist society of ours encourages me to buy for him every day!

ann said...

Katie is right - there are many recipes for home made play dough and you know exactly what's in them.

The interesting thing to me is that you don't mind play dough crumbs all over you house and in your carpeting and on her clothes, but you give me a hard time with washable paint!

There is no justice in this world!