Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Killing Two Birds with One Tennis Ball

We all know that Josie, our loving border collie, has a bit of OCD about tennis balls. Turns out, Hailey really likes them too. This morning Josie was running around the house with a tennis ball until Hailey started chasing her and saying “doggy, ball” over and over again. I quickly told Josie to drop the ball and gave it to Hailey to let her throw it. Hmmm…entertain both of them without getting my own hand all slobbery from the ball. What a bonus! Unfortunately, my evil plan backfired when Hailey decided that she’d rather just run around with the ball. Being the good herder that she is, Josie trapped Hailey in the closet with no where to escape. Finally, Hailey surrendered and threw the ball. Two seconds later, Josie was delivering the ball back to Hailey’s feet. And so it began. It was at least 10 minutes of this back and forth before Hailey looked up at me with this look of confusion. It was if she was saying, “Seriously, this dog is crazy!” My sentiments exactly!

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