Friday, November 16, 2007

Follow-up to Very Scary Christmas

I thought that I would provide a follow-up based on some research I've been doing about this whole chemical issue with children's products and toys. So, I present to you this list of companies whose products are less likely to injure, maim, or kill our children...

Playmobil – Given a green rating in a recent Green Peace study that rated the toy companies in terms of hazardous chemicals. Companies receiving a red (or bad) rating… Fisher Price, Playskool, and Vtech. For more information on that study, you look at the report.

Green Toys – This company uses plastics made out of corn. That’s pretty cool, but their product range is extremely limited.

Haba – Toys from Germany made from wood not plastics.

Healthy Child, Healthy World – This organization (which I’m sure I will be joining) helps to protect children from harmful environmental exposures. Also, includes a scary news report about some plastic that’s supposedly in all of the plastic bottles that we allow our children to drink from.

The bottom line is that Hailey is almost past the age where I would have to be hyper-vigilant about the chemicals in plastics because she's less likely to stick everything directly into her mouth. So, whatever damage there is from sucking on plastics, she's probably already suffered. However, I would like to get her some new stainless steel cutlery so that she’s not using plastic forks and spoons all the time. I’d also like to get her some non-plastic bowls, but I can’t seem to figure out what I can get that won’t break when she drops it on the floor. I guess I could start whittling her some out of bamboo, but in the meantime any suggestions would be appreciated.

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