Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Rules of Sophia

Sophia is certainly a different animal than her sister. She came with her own set of rules and regulations, which she makes up on a daily basis. I thought that I would capture just a few for your amusement (or in case you are ever called upon to babysit...I'm looking at you grandparents!)

1. I will not take a binky. Does not matter the size or shape. Does not matter how hysterical I am. If it's not skin...I'm not in.

2. I will sleep, but only under the following conditions - in my swing, in a moving stroller (no stopping to rest, people), in a moving car (run red lights if you must), or on another human being. I will under no circumstances sleep in my co-sleeper, in my crib, in something that is not moving, or without another human being within nose-shot.

3. I poop a lot. How comfortable are you with baby poop? Because here's the funny thing...I tend to poop outside of my diaper. That "no leak" policy really just covers the liquid stuff. Poop is another story and you should be prepared for emergency bath session (for both of us).

4. I don't like to be cold. I don't like to be hot either. I like to be the temperature that I like to be. So, figure out what that is and try to just keep it that way indefinitely.

5. Sometimes, I just want to be left alone, and by "alone" I mean in quiet place where you are holding me nonstop for several hours, preferably while staying in constant motion. Were you trying to sit down? Well, I'm awake now so get moving.

6. Most noise doesn't bother me unless that noise is any type of plastic rustling...plastic bags, candy wrappers, plastic wrapping on anything. That noise will wake me from the deepest slumber and send me into hysterics. Consider me a "green" baby who requires a plastic free zone.

Well, those are just my latest and greatest rules. I'm sure I'll come up with some more tomorrow. I like to keep my parents on their toes, you know. Silly parents were thinking that they just about had me figured out...ha!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah Sophia

She is her own beautiful little person with her own personality. Look at the bright side maybe at 2 and 1/2 she'll wear pants so life will be easier then. Besides she did take a pacifier for Grandma althogh I did remain in constsnt motion.
