Monday, September 07, 2009

Did I Mention?

I know that I’ve already given you visual evidence that Sophia can crawl, but let me tell you something…SOPHIA CAN CRAWL!!!!! Maybe you understand how a mobile infant changes your life forever, but I’m sure that you don’t.

I’m sure that you don’t know that every time I leave her on the floor now, I have to look around the room for potential choking hazards (and Hailey’s toys provide many). I’m sure that you don’t realize that she doesn’t really want to be held as much because she’s got too many other important places that she needs to be on the floor. I’m sure that it never dawned on you that she would make a b-line for the fireplace or steps or any other inherently dangerous place whenever you put her down. Ugh.

When did Hailey crawl? Certainly not at 5 months. This is ridiculous! How do I make it stop? I guess we’re back to child proofing AGAIN!

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