Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Oh Yes We Did!

It will probably come as no surprise to you that my husband is a little bit of a Geek. He's kind of on the low end of the Geek spectrum, but he qualifies for many reasons. I won't run through them here because most of you know him enough to not question me on this one.

So, I've accepted his geekiness and love him even more for it. However, he's never asked me to really join his Geek world...until now. And, boy did I jump in with both feet (feet in sneakers, not in elf shoes). How did I jump in? I attended Dragon Con.

What the bleep is Dragon Con, you ask. Well, it's a convention of people who dress up in costumes of various fictional characters and then go to seminars and stuff. Ok, you know what?, I don't really know what in god's name it is. I went to the stupid parade to see a bunch of people dressed up in weirdo costumes, ok? That's all. I'm not a Geek. I might be teetering on the edge of geekdom, but I've got a big toe in the real world still.

I'll admit (only because you can see in the pictures) that I let Hailey dress up in her Tinkerbell costume for the parade. That may or may not have crossed the line from giggling spectator to semi-willing participant, but we didn't march. No, just sat back and gawked. Well, gawked and played Dragon Con bingo. It was a good time, and we've got some seriously hysterical pictures. You can see them on Flickr along with my comments which I tried to make entertaining because otherwise you're just looking at a bunch of strangers dressed up in bizarro costumes and who would want to do that?


nro said...

omg... you NEED to go to this blog:
it is one of my favorite blogs, and they are talking about dragon con! my internet worlds collide!

peter said...

I am sad to say that I actually recognized a great number of the more obscure comic book characters...Green Lantern among them. But somehow they didn't seem as they look in the comic books. Perhaps even a still camera adds ten (or fifty) pounds. It must have been a hilarious, and mildly disturbing, time.

Dad/Grandpa Pete

Nanna Mary said... I'm with Sophia here...this whole thing just boils down to Comic-Con without Robert Pattinson....(ho-hum...yawn).

Sophia and I agree that our feet are way more interesting (or disgusting/in need of attention/whatever) than this parade of not-Robert Pattinson-freaks. (see Sophia pix on url)

However I'm sure Hailey - sorry... I mean Tinkerbelle - relished this event, and didn't even notice that Robert Pattinson wasn't there.

Next year....Comic-Con?!!

ann said...

Glad to see "Tick" made it too. Please don't turn my great-nieces into geeks as well. I beg of you!

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness. My boss, the judge, went to this! I had never heard of it before, and then I was informed that it was a VERY big deal. Apparently his wife dresses as Mary Poppins every year. This year he got to meet and have his picture taken with William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy, which I admit is pretty cool. Nonetheless, major geekfest if I ever heard of one.