Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Do What Works

Hailey HATES having her hair combed. Have you seen some of the pictures of her hair in the morning? It's the "finger meet light socket" look so you can imagine why she hates me dousing it in conditioning spray and tearing a comb through it.

Well, one day I just couldn't take the whining and crying that accompanies the combing. So, in a stroke of pure geniusness (if I do say so myself), I invented characters - the Evil Snarl Monster and Princess Pink Comb. Yes, there are ridiculous voices that accompany these characters. I think Luke probably thought that I had lost my mind when I started doing these voices, but she is completely mesmerized. There is no longer any more crying or whining because she is totally focused on the next installment of the story. So freakin' genius.

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