Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Croup

I thought that all babies got croup - at least that's how the baby books make it sound. Well, Hailey never got it, until now. I'm sure that most Mommies have a croup story. Here's ours...

On Monday morning Hailey and I had off for Martin Luther King, Jr Day. I was excited to take her to the Children's Museum in Atlanta for the morning. She was a little congested but was cutting two eye teeth, and she's almost always congested when she's getting teeth (don't ask me why). When we got home from the museum, she took a nice nap, but when she woke up she couldn't really breathe well. I took her down and turned on a movie, and we snuggled up to enjoy our time together. I noticed that she was breathing as if she was running a marathon except she was just sitting on my lap. There was a point where I just started to panic. It's not like I thought she was going to stop breathing; she wasn't. It's just that when you hear your child take a breath that sounds like a seal call, it's a bit disconcerting. So, I grabbed her in my arms, ran up two flights of stairs, practically killed the cleaning people who were calmly cleaning the bathroom and grabbed the Vick's out of the cabinet. I pulled off her clothes and slathered her in Vick's. Thank goodness I had some around because it made an immediate difference. The next day I took her to the doctor and low and behold she has the croup. I'm glad that she didn't get it when she was little. It was scary enough at this age, although the baby books had prepared me well because I instinctively knew to throw her in the shower with me and to use the Vick's. I guess all that reading pays off in the end. Anyway, if anyone else has a croup story and would like to share, I'd love to hear it.

PS: She's fine now and will most likely be going back to school tomorrow, which means Mommy probably has to go to work. Oh well, I guess a 5 day weekend was enough.


ann said...

You learned the Vicks thing from your Grandmother! You don't need to read parenting books. Whenever you have a question call my mother, your Grandmother! She's like a walking encyclopedia of medical/parenting info. Plus, she's also amazing with stains of any kind. On carpets, on clothing, on walls, even pens exploding in the dryer. She's really gifted in that area!

By the way, I was looking at the new pictures of Hailey and you playing outside and guess what I noticed???? Hailey was still wearing that Spring jacket. You looked nice and warm in your winter coat! Buy that child a coat or I will! She's coming here in February and she better not be wearing that same jacket!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That sounds very scary, but good job staying calm under pressure.