Friday, January 11, 2008

Moving Up

I have all kinds of exciting news to share, but first, take a look at these curls! Wow, Hailey’s hair is really getting long, but now she’s forming a bit of a curl mullet. It’s kind of straight on top but curly on the sides. It’s equal parts adorable and funny.

The first bit of exciting news is that Hailey is moving up in school. They’ve decided to open another classroom, which will provide additional room in the 2 year old class. So, she’s going to be moving into that room. There are a few exciting changes included in the move: 1) she gets to go on field trips; 2) she gets to learn sign language; 3) she gets to eat in the gym/cafeteria with the big kids; and 4) she gets to beat up on the older boys full time! I’m really excited about the move because I like the teacher better, and I think that the room is going to provide her with some more opportunities.

The second piece of exciting news is that I took an old blog that I wrote on the “No” Phase and transformed it into a magazine article. I just submitted it to Atlanta Parent, and it will be published in May. I’m very excited about it, even though the pay is minuscule. It’s the first article that I’ve ever had published, and I’m allowed to submit it to other magazines outside of Atlanta. So, I’m just thrilled about the prospect. I figured that I needed a little success with my first ever submission, so I started small. Now, I feel like the sky is the limit.


Grampa G said...

Congrats on your first publication! Hope there are many more.

peter said...

What a set of locks! Can't wait to see the two of you again. And, of course, I can't wait to see the article published in Atlanta and then, inevitably, in a national mag. Way to go! That's my daughter!


Anonymous said...

Geez, those curls sure look familiar! Undoubtedly, she will grow to hate curly's the universal curse of the curlyheaded! Just ask Luke. Just ask me!

Congratulations on your article!!! Is there a way for those of us outside the Atlanta Universe to get a pre-publication peek?

You go girl!
Nanna Mary

ann said...

Wow! That's so exciting! I'm so thrilled for you...Now hopefully you'll have the confidence to send more articles to national publications. You've got to try it! Let me know if you need help...your old aunt is a published author too, you know.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Congratulations on your article..your grandmother said"Alisa should send the whole book of Hailey chronicles into a magazine to be published" so keep on writing. The curls what can I say not only is Hailey smart she is also beautiful. We miss her sooo much.
Grandma & Papa Harry