Tuesday, January 08, 2008

A Playground Tale

Yesterday I arrived at daycare to learn that there was an “incident” on the playground. Apparently, a little boy would not let Hailey go down the slide. I’m sure that she tried to reason with the boy using the one phrase she knows, “don’t do that,” but then she got tired of his slide-hogging and swiftly knocked both the boy and the slide over. While the boy sat on the ground crying, Hailey calmly set the slide back upright and proceeded to enjoy it as if nothing had happened. Here’s the kicker though, the little boy was in the class above hers. Yes, my innocent little girl is beating up older boys. I’m not sure if I should be proud or ashamed, but we certainly talked a lot about sharing last night.

1 comment:

ann said...

Dear Hailey - You go girl! She needs to learn at an earlier age that you shouldn't take any nonesense from men!

Look at it this way. She'll never settle for less pay for doing the same work as a man!