Thursday, June 04, 2009

Dance for Me, Monkey

I remember distinctly the moment when I realized that Hailey would cry when she wanted us to entertain her. For a while, we tried changing her diaper, feeding her, rocking her, etc. We tried just about everything until we discovered that what she really wanted was for us to dance around and entertain her. She would cry...we would make fools of ourselves. It was a joyous little scam she had going. Well, we've reached that point with Sophia. It's as if she just looks at you and says, "Dance for me, monkey, or suffer the screaming consequences." Then, we dance or sing or blow spit bubbles or make raspberries. Whatever it takes to get the little one giggling or at least smiling. It's pathetic, but it keeps peace in the kingdom. So, we will continue to don the jester hat as necessary. How can we not? Have you heard how cute that little laugh is???

1 comment:

peter said...

Yes, I have heard that cute little laugh and I can't wait to be the one playing the monkey. But grandpa's stamina isn't what it used to be, so let's hope we can tag-team it a bit.

Dad/Grandpa Pete