Friday, June 26, 2009

Funny Hailey Statements

Mommy: “Hailey stop itching your mosquito bites.”
Hailey: “I’m not itching them, I’m scratching.”

Mommy: “Uh oh, Hailey, you got a little sunburned today at school.”
Hailey: “Marley did it.”

Hailey (reverse logic): “The parking lot is dangerous because you need to carry me.”

Grandpa: “Oh, that freaking cat.”
Hailey: “Oh, that freaking cat”
(Thanks for that one Grandpa)

Hailey: "I have 2 boys - Corbin, Kellen, and Mr Potato Head"

Hailey: "Acceptable means that we have to get in the pool."

1 comment:

peter said...

You're welcome...Grandpa has to learn that there are big ears in the house!