Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mommy Sense

I am a firm believer in mother's instinct. Whenever another mother says to me "I think it might be time to..." (insert: change daycares, introduce formula, start solid foods, let the baby cry it out, etc), I always say "well, if you think it's time to do that, then it probably is, and don't let anyone tell you differently." I just think that mothers tend to know their children the best and have a sense for when these life-altering changes are needed. Think of it as Mommy-Spidey Sense. Does anyone else get that reference?

All of that is to say that my Mommy Sense is a-tinglin'. After a rough night in which Sophia woke me up every two hours to comfort nurse, I'm beginning to think that it might be time to cut the cord a bit here. I love having her in my bed for the convenience of nursing at night, but she's a thrasher - kicking her legs, punching herself or me in the face, grunting, etc. It makes me exhausted just thinking of how often she wakes herself (and me) up. The question is, if I take her out of the bed, will she be able to soothe herself back to sleep without the boob? Once she's out, I'm not going to be hopping out of bed to comfort her unless she's in full meltdown mode. Since the girls are sharing a room, I can't really chance her waking Hailey up if it comes to that. So, the only alternative is to put her in some type of contraption in our bedroom, like a pack n' play, to test out the new sleeping arrangement first. I could also put her in her crib in Hailey's room (excuse me - their room), hook up a monitor and hope for the best. Whatever we decide, something must be done because I think she's ready to make it through the night (or close to it). We just need to remove the Mommy crutch, or boob as the case may be.

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