Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Basic Answers

My Aunt Melanie was nice enough to write me a comment on one of my previous entries, and she had some very good questions that I probably should answer. Here are the basics of my pregnancy:

Due date: July 23, 2006

Sex: Not sure yet, but we find out in early March (can't wait!!!)

Weight gain: 8 lbs so far

Cravings: None so far, but sometimes certain foods seem really gross to me.

Luke: I think that Luke is really excited that we are pregnant. He's been on a diet so no real cravings for him. I may have him write a guest blog to share his true feelings and to tell everyone what a pain in the butt I've been!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Luke just told Megan & me about your blog -- we'll be devouring the archives this evening.
