Tuesday, January 03, 2006

From Size 2 to 6 in Just 12 Weeks!

My concern over my maternity clothes (or lack thereof) has been growing over the past few weeks. I know that it is completely inevitable that I will eventually have to make that all important first maternity clothes purchase, but I'm all about procrastinating on that type of major life/size change. Besides, I can still squeeze myself into my old pants with one little alteration...I have to unbutton them when I sit down. In the car, at work, in front of the tv, it doesn't matter. It's just more comfortable with them unbuttoned. So I forget to button them every once and a while when I stand up. So I went into Walgreens yesterday with my jeans unbuttoned. What's the big deal???

Well, yesterday Luke decided that he needed to put a stop to this madness. "It's time to get pants that fit," he said. I was at least hoping to make it to 13 weeks in the same jeans, but I was willing to go take a look at the maternity options. So, off we go to Target for our first maternity clothes shopping extravaganza.

My first thought is...what's with all of the elastic on this maternity stuff. All the pants are too big because of all that damn elastic, and let's not even get into those big belly holder things. I'm definitely not ready for that craziness! Yikes! This is so scary! Needlesstosay, I'm still maternity pantsless, but I'll let you know when I make the first big purchase. For now, it's back to the unbuttoning plan.

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