Saturday, January 14, 2006

Oink, Oink Moo, Moo

I have to make a confession...I ate a piece of steak this afternoon for the first time in 11 years. Sorry cows. I wasn't really planning on it, but we went to Publix at lunchtime before I had eaten anything. As you might imagine, I was really hungry. Then, my heightened sense of smell (I call it the dog nose) detected something on the grill in the meat department. I asked the friendly butcher what he was cooking, and he offered us some steak. It smelled and looked sooooo good. It had all this crazy, yummy seasoning around the edges, and it was so perfectly pink in the middle. So, I caved and ate it. I can't help it, the baby wanted it. The baby also wanted the pork chops that I ate last week. I knew that I might have to eat meat when I was pregnant, but I'm pretty sure that the taste for it will disappear in 7 months when this is all over!!!

In baby news, BH (that's Baby Hamilton for future reference) is now 2.5 inches long and weighs 1/2 of an ounce. Apparently, in the next two weeks, the baby's kidneys will start to excrete urine right into the amniotic fluid. Yuck!

1 comment:

Alisa Hamilton said...

Are you implying that I have rich food tastes? You are certainly mistaken. Now, bring on the filets and the Godiva!