Monday, January 23, 2006

Buy, Buy, Buy

When we first decided to get pregnant, I knew that there would be quite a few things that we would need to purchase...crib, car seat, diapers, etc. I think of those things as the baby basics. On Saturday, I went to a baby shower for one of my friends. Oh my goodness!!!! She got so many crazy baby things that I had never even thought of...nipple cream, disposable changing pads, wrist rattles, etc, etc. How do I know what is an essential and what's just some crazy baby gimmick. Suddenly, my "to purchase" list has grown exponentially. I guess I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of baby crap that's out there. Have you been down a baby aisle lately??? Yikes! Thank goodness that I have quite a few friends that are having babies right before me so I will be able to gather lots of good advice before BH arrives.


Anonymous said...

Hi Alisa!
Uncle Pete just sent me your link today! I'm certainly always looking for another procrastination tool!!
Molly :)

Anonymous said...

Alisa...I hope that I'm doing this correctly---I haven't even read Olivia or Julia's blogs yet because I don't know how. Perhaps this is the beginning of a more technically-apt me. I LOVE your entries! You and BH will love reading them years from now. I have to say that Olivia and Julia have been blessings beyond my imagination and I'm so happy for you and Luke to experience parenthood. With Olivia, I also had trouble gaining weight and after the dr. threatened to put me in the hospital and hook me up to an IV, I decided that chocolate malts were something that I can stomach, and often. Although I only gained 24 lbs., Olivia was born a hefty 8 1bs. 4 oz.---all chocolate malt. And the additional weight melted off effortlessly within a couple of weeks. Sounds like you're on the same track. And, I'm so glad you're eating meat---BH will be happy you did. Are you having any other cravings?
And what is Luke craving---funny how that happens. I think it's be so much fun to buy or receive baby stuff now since everything is so cool and hi-tech (compared to 1991-95). Just remember, storage for everything and keeping up with it all. So what is your actual due date? And, do you want to know if it's a girl or boy? You're the first to test the Palmisano trend of producing girls---Hamilton genes may have thrown a wrench in that theory. I'm so glad I finally had a chance to sit down and tell you have thrilled all of us are for you, and how we look forward to hearing more!! Aunt Melanie

Grampa G said...

On Jan 23rd Alisa said:

I guess I'm just feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sheer amount of baby crap that's out there.

Don't sweat the "stuff". All 'lil punkin cares about is your sweet smile and voice...Ok, and a clean diaper :)
Grampa G