Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Bella Belt and Baby News

Yesterday I purchased the Bella Belt. As I mentioned in my last post, it is supposed to hold your pants up and disguise the fact that you have them unbuttoned. Well, it works. It looks just like a tube top, but you pull it over the top of your pants to cover the button situation. Plus, if you have maternity clothes that are too big, it will also help to hold those up. It's still not as comfortable as wearing a muumuu all the time, but a cool invention nonetheless!

This week in development news, the baby's brain has the same structure it will have at birth (but a bit smaller). He/she has been growing fingernails for the past few days, and the thyroid, pancreas, and gall bladder have all completed their development. In mommy development news, I've finally had to give in and go up a bra size...yikes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aliser --

Nice blog. I'll have to come here often and read. I know what you mean about the hot flash. I always just assumed my sugar was a little low, and therefore had a double excuse (pregnant and weak) to eat something yummy. Keep up the good work being a pre-mommy! I'll see you soon.