Monday, July 06, 2009

Birthday Party Blues

We are giving Hailey her first ever kids birthday party this year. It’s not that she’s been totally deprived in the past, it’s just that we’ve always either traveled for her birthday or done family parties or both. However, now she wants to have a birthday party with her friends. Yeah, I don’t really know how to do birthday party. Unfortunately for everyone (most especially my husband), this is one of those situations where my inner Bree VanDeKamp seizes control of my usual rational self. I’m already in a panic. Do I invite all the kids from school or just the kids I like? Do I provide goodie bags? Do I say no gifts so we don’t have a million little toys I don’t want? What do I feed all of these rug rats? Where do I have said party? Oh my. So many questions and not much time to plan. Pressure, pressure, pressure!!!!

1 comment:

peter said...

Oh, wow, this is starting already?! Well, how about having a small party at home this time? Let's face it: Hailey isn't going to realize (YET) that ALL of her friends from school aren't there. Just make sure you invite Kellen and Corbin (even if it's only via Skype) and pretend that it's a big deal. She will be happy with that because she really doesn't know better yet. I mean, the competition from other parties she attends hasn't really happened yet. So, you don't have to worry about keeping up with the other kids' parents. My suggestion is to keep it small and simple for as long as you can get away with it. She will be happy as long as there's a celebration, a big fuss over her (when isn't there?), a few presents...and cake!

Dad/Grandpa Pete

PS. Yes, we need suggestions for presents...FAST!