Thursday, August 27, 2009


I'd like to make a self diagnosis. Sophia is the youngest baby to have ADD. Yeah, ADD. The kid can't focus on anything. I can't nurse her for more than 20 seconds without her stopping to look around. It only takes the slightest noise - a sister screaming, a dog barking, a fly buzzing at the window - doesn't matter. She hears something or imagines she hears something, and she's got to stop to see what it is. I'm lucky if she releases me (if you know what I mean) before she starts swinging that little head around. So, she stops, looks around, kicks her legs a bit, smiles her big milk mustache smile, and then goes back to it. It's ridiculous. Bring on the Ritalin; we need a little focus here.


Luke said...

Like father ... like daughter :)

ann said...

Shame on you....leave Princess Sophia alone. She's just multi-tasking!

Nanna Mary said...

Dear Alisa...just you wait!

I'm sending you an early B-day gift that might throw a new light on the way we evaluate the stages and "progress" of these awesome little creatures called children! If I had had just a portion of the insight I've gleaned from your B-day present previews, well...who knows.

The good part is that you are an astoundingly committed parent, and I think (hope) you will be as enthralled with this research as I have been just by perusing reviews and interviews w/author. the nature of your gift ain't gonna be much of a surprise...but it hasn't hit the mainstream yet 'cause I ran across it on one of my science feeds. U just have to promise to let me read the whole thing when you're done!!!