Friday, August 14, 2009

Shot Time

It's one thing to take Sophia in to get her shots every few months. The poor little thing has no idea what is going on and will never remember all of the trauma. On the other hand, it's quite another thing to have to take Hailey in for shots, which I had to do on Friday. She totally knows what's going on, is ultra dramatic about it, and is terrified of the male nurse at our doctor's office. All in all, that's not a good combination. Regardless, shots must be had.

So, I'll skip all of the easy parts of the visit and get to the good stuff. I had kind of prepped her about the shot with some genius Mom stuff that I made up. I knew she was going to cry. What I didn't count on was her screaming and thrashing BEFORE the needle was even out of the protective casing. Her screaming set off Sophia screaming and before you know it my head was going to explode. In case you were wondering, the cure for a shot = princess sticker and lollipop.

The best part about the whole experience actually happened later that morning when she ran into her classroom, hiked up her skirt, and told all the kids in her class that she just got a shot. Yeah, she was totally traumatized!

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