Thursday, August 13, 2009

I'm Old

Now that I drive the Hamilton Family Carpool every morning, I get to enjoy the pleasure of Atlanta traffic. That, however, is not why I’m getting old. Well, it doesn’t help. No, my premature aging is caused by the sight of hundreds of college freshmen moving into their dorms this week. What?!?! Was I ever that young? These kids look like…well, they look like kids. So, as I'm driving through this throng of horny little teenagers, I looked at my eyes in the rear view mirror and thought "I need to get some wrinkle cream or something."


Unknown said...

Do you realize that the people that are starting college this year were born in 1991 or 1992.......that's all I gotta say about that.

peter said...

How can YOU be old? I'm only 37!

Dad/Grandpa (youngest EVER) Pete

Aunt Nancy in AZ said...

Talk about feeling old.... My baby is going to college in a few days... seems like yesterday we were singing itsy bitsy spider. Where did the time go?

nro said...

we took a road trip last weekend, and saw throngs of college kids with their cars packed full of posters, beer fridges and laundry baskets. i realized i was old when i pulled over cause i didn't want that crazy youngster driving behind me - he totally didn't look like he was paying attention. sigh...