Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Earth to Hailey

I know that this shouldn't come as a surprise to me, but my child has an imagination of her own. It's kind of shocking. Well, it's particularly shocking when she's walking around the house talking in different voices, and I wonder to myself whether she's telling herself a story or she's just schizophrenic. I think it's probably the former unless her other personalities happen to be named Belle, Jasmine, Cinderella, and Aurora. Wouldn't that be a hell of a coincidence!

So, all of these make believe stories that she tells are hysterical and bode well for her fulfilling her mother's life fantasy of becoming a professional writer. Yes, now that we've officially declared that I'm old, it's ok for me to start living vicariously through my children. Wouldn't you agree?

Anyway, the stories are really entertaining to ease drop on, and I don't even need to hold a glass up the door of her room like I will in a few years when she's a teenager. Nope, she just tells these stories right out in the open no matter how ridiculous the voices are. It's great. Unless of course you are trying to get her attention, then you might as well be on another planet because she's far to enthralled with how Belle is going to buy the dress to go to Cinderella's wedding because Aurora pricked her finger on the spinning wheel and now Jasmine has to find her prince to save her. In an emergency, I actually have to say "stop, look at me and listen to what I'm saying" just to break the spell.

By the way, that's just another one of those phrases that you say as a Mom that you're like "oh god, did I just say that...I'm so f*ing old." I decided to go with this old thing for while. Those college kids really messed me up. Thank god I didn't go to my last reunion, I might have gone out and gotten a face lift.


Unknown said...

Grandma said
Hailey certainly does have an imagination. Today while she was home with me awaiting the dreaded fever to return "I said well we're ready to rock and roll" and asked her if Grandpa Pete ever says that? Her reply no Grandpa Pete says "well we're ready to go to the ice cream store" I believe it must be sheer imagination or Grandpa Pete is a true spoiler. Who knows what she'll come up with next its always surprising.

ann said...

Melissa used to have an imaginary friend named Pinnochio. He had to sit at the table for dinner! He seemed to get into a lot of trouble too...