Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day Jitters

Today is the first day of school in sunny and ungodly hot Atlanta. When I was a little girl (oh, God, I’m becoming my parents!), school didn’t start until Labor Day, but alas, this is the South, and we like to get a jump-start on our worst-in-the-nation school curriculum asap. If nothing else, it gives the high school students a few extra summer days to enjoy after they drop out. Ok, that was just mean. True but mean.

Where was I? Right, first day of school. Sophia was starting school for the first time, and Hailey was moving up a level and getting all new teachers. It was a very exciting day. For those of you who haven’t done this in a while, it’s not like you can just take them to school and drop them off…ha! That would be far too simple. There’s a very long list of items that you must bring for each child to put in their respective cubbies. Oh, and as if you didn’t spend enough time running around the house collecting all of these items, now you have to label them all. LABEL THEM ALL! Bust out your Sharpie, Mommy. This is not so easy with Sophia’s clothes which all have those convenient little tagless imprints on them. Hello, makers of onsies in America (or more likely China), can we please get a little tag action every once in a while? How am I supposed to Sharpie her name onto every little outfit if there is no tag? Ugh. Back up the stairs to find the three onsies with tags.

Ok, I got a little sidetracked again. The point is that I was totally and completely 100% organized (shocking, right?). Two bags packed, two bags in the car the night before. I was like the model of motherhood? Well, right up until the point where we parked the car at the school this morning, and I turned to Luke to say “I left Sophia’s milk in the refrigerator.” UGH! I mean, does the child have to eat? Fine (express that in a whine, please) back I went home again to get the milk. Thank goodness we only live 3 miles from work/school. Unfortunately, in Atlanta, 3 miles means 20 minutes. What a morning!

Oh, what about the girl's reaction to starting school? Umm...are you trying to say that it's not all about me and my morning? Whatever. They were totally fine. Hailey was one of the more adjusted of her classmates moving to the new classroom. She was all smiles this morning. She acted like she owned the joint. Pretty funny. Sophia on the other hand was a little cranky by the time I got back with the milk. Alright, so maybe she needs to eat after all. I decided to give her some Mama milk straight from the cow instead of the bottle. She passed out, and all was right with the world.


Unknown said...

Grandma said
Well it sounds like everyone made it through the first day. Now as it becomes routine things will begin to fall in place and all will be fine. Except of course for those things that you forget which will happen now and then. We are all glad that Sophia's weeks with Grandma, Nana and Grandpa did not spoil her too much and hopefully at school she will get lots of attention because she is such an angel baby. Hailey of course will probably be running the classroom and playground in a few short weeks. She will continue to talk and use her amazing sense of logic to explain to everyone why she should have certain toys and her place in the hierarchy of the class as a princess. So to our beautiful girls have a great year.
Love Grandma & Papa Harry

ann said...

Wow...a bit cranky aren't we. Wait until kindergarten when you have to shop for all the crap on their lists with ever other frantic mother grabbing for the last 24 pack of Crayola's! For me, there was nothing more exciting then watching my little darlings get on the school bus for the first time.